Magenta Customer & Communities Committee

A customer-led committee that works alongside our Board and senior leadership team to ensure customer views are part of the decision-making process at the highest level.

Magenta Customer & Community Committee image

A message from Wendy Gooley, Chair of Magenta Customer and Communities Committee

Wendy Gooley

Magenta Customer and Communities Committee (MCCC) - consists of Magenta customers, including myself who are supported by members of Magenta's Board and independent community members. Working in partnership with Magenta colleagues and the Board, we ensure the organisation is transparent and accountable and the services are influenced by customer views and feedback.

I would really encourage you to get involved in any way you can. It's a great way to learn new skills, meet new people and truly have a say in how Magenta provides and delivers its services. Through its 'Road to 2030' plan, Magenta has a clear vision to provide safe, affordable and sustainable homes for current and future customers and improve the customer experience, which you can help shape and deliver.

Find out more about some of our Magenta Customer and Communities Committee members below

Dawn Edwards MCC Member and Leaseholder

Dawn Edwards

Hi, I'm Dawn and I have been a Magenta tenant/leaseholder for over 30 years now. Before joining MCCC, I must admit that I was completely unaware of Magenta's involvement in the community. I, like many others, thought that they were just another Housing Association. How wrong was!!

I have recently been appointed to МССС. However, in the short space of time l have been involved, I have learnt so much about how Magenta works together with and for their communities. They do so much good, and I feel that this is not always recognised by Magenta customers.

Millie Starkey, MCCC Member, Magenta Customer and Colleague

Millie Starkey

Hi, I'm Millie and I am a dedicated member of the People Team here at Magenta. I live in one of our Magenta properties with my brother and parents and our little dog Tilly.

Being both a colleague and customer gives me a unique relationship with Magenta, and it's provided me with valuable insights into both the colleague and customer experience.

Having this perspective allows me to understand the challenges and needs of our customers, as well as the strategic goals of our organisation.

Sean Yewdale, MCCC Member and Magenta Customer

Sean Yewdale

Hi, I’m Sean and I initially joined Compass, which was a Magenta customer forum and then asked to join MCCC. 

I truly believe I’ve made a positive impact by actively engaging in meetings, projects and training days and in a small part helping to bring people together to build better communities.

It really has expanded my passion for all things social housing, to the extent that it gave me the confidence to apply and successfully join the National Housing Federation’s Tenant Advisory Panel.

I truly enjoy working with my MCCC colleagues and being able to openly question Magenta about new ideas, policy changes and ensuring our fellow customers have the best quality and safe homes to live in.

Adam Costello, MCCC Member and Magenta Customer

Adam Costello

Hi, I’m Adam and I’ve lived in a Magenta home for nearly thirty years. I joined MCCC almost by accident – I had just started a new community role and I reached out to Magenta for referrals and ended up being invited to join MCCC.

I feel we make quite a large customer impact by providing oversight to Magenta’s policies and procedures, right down to how Magenta communicates with customers. We do our best to ensure that customers have a voice.

To those who would like to get involved, I would say "go for it". The members that are on the committee don't come with any inside or specialist knowledge, they come with a passion for social housing and a desire to I have learnt so much from being a MCCC member, including the legislation that governs housing providers, and although I have been in the role now for just over two years, I'm still learning. As the legislation is ever evolving, I don't think I will ever stop, and this is a ensure that our Magenta neighbours are treated the way we all want to be treated. Not just as customers, but as vibrant communities that we can be proud to live in and call home. We're people like you!