Smell Gas?
If you can smell gas, suspect a carbon monoxide emergency or know a pipeline has been struck call Cadent, the National Gas Emergency Service on 0808 111 999 available 24 hours a day.
If you can smell gas, suspect a carbon monoxide emergency or know a pipeline has been struck call Cadent, the National Gas Emergency Service on 0808 111 999 available 24 hours a day.
Before you request a repair, please look at the types of repairs that are your responsibility by reading our Repairs and Maintenance Guidance below.
You can report your repair to us by:
How quickly we carry out a repair depends on all of the following:
Sometimes, we may change the priority of a repair depending on personal circumstance, for example, if there is a risk to your health or safety, or if you will be affected by not having the repair done sooner.
We've created this guide which includes useful information on:
Download: Repairs and Maintenance Guidance
Looking after your home is your responsibility to ensure it remains clean, tidy, in good condition and safe. This includes keeping gardens and shared areas clean, tidy and free from of rubbish.
If you are responsible for causing any damage or neglect to your home, then we may ask you to pay to fix the problem. We will charge you for any costs that we have incurred to fix the damage or repair, this includes providing any materials.
We will let you know if a repair is rechargeable at the time you report it to us or following further investigation. We will always advise you of the cost of the repair before confirming a job has been raised. In some cases, we will ask you to pay in advance before making an appointment to carry out the repair.
Examples of when we will recharge you are:
If there is a risk to the safety of your home, a risk to life, or you need a repair due to any vulnerabilities then we will take this into consideration and may not charge you for the repair carried out.