Magenta Living enforce zero tolerance for anti-social behaviour | News

Magenta Living enforce zero tolerance for anti-social behaviour

New Hey Road has been blighted with anti-social behaviour and drug related incidents from this tenant so Magenta Living took action through the court system.

Wirral County Court has issued an Injunction Order which covers; keeping the property to a clean and liveable standard, allowing Magenta Living staff access for repairs and inspections, and finally that the tenant and any visitors must not be involved in any nuisance incidents within the neighbourhood.

Magenta Living is working closely with Merseyside Police to enforce a zero tolerance policy on anti-social behaviour on this estate and many more across Wirral. Magenta Living’s #ClaimBackYourCommunity campaign will be launched in the New Year to encourage communities uniting to eradicate unacceptable behaviour.  

Magenta Living’s Tenancy Enforcement Officer says: “Magenta Living takes reports of all anti-social behaviour incidents seriously by tackling problems head on.  We encourage our tenants and the wider community to report any incidents they experience or witness, helping to create a safe environment”.