Harrogate Estate Community Clean-Up

We recently paid a visit to the Harrogate Estate in Rock Ferry for a clean-up event. Our dedicated colleagues, along with local organisations and councillors, came together to tackle litter, collect fly-tipped items, and tidy up the area for the estate’s residents.
This area has faced ongoing issues with fly-tipping and after receiving numerous messages from concerned residents, we decided to take action. This event gave us the opportunity to speak with residents about the problem and what can be done to keep the area clean.
The community’s response was incredible with residents actively participated by bringing items for disposal to the skips. It was a shining example of how a collaborative effort can make a significant difference in our neighbourhoods.
We ended the day with a full skip and lots of positive feedback. Many were pleased to see us addressing the fly-tipping issue and appreciated our efforts to clean the area.
Our event was further supported by the Community Connectors, a local scrap metal collector, and two labour councillors. Their involvement showcased the strong collaboration and cooperation between various local bodies and organisations in tackling this issue.
We also had support from our contractor, idverde, who joined us to spruce up the green spaces. The bushes along the pathways were becoming hazardous, and many residents expressed their gratitude for these improvements.
This event was a true testament to the power of community spirit and teamwork. We look forward to organising more initiatives like this to continue making a positive impact in our neighbourhoods. Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this event!