Important information about your rent | News

Important information about your rent


The following information provides you with details about the increase in rent which will come into effect on Monday 3rd April 2023. 

From Monday 3rd April 2023, Magenta Living, alongside other social housing providers is proposing to increase rent by 7%. The rent which Magenta Living, and other housing associations charge is set by the central government.  


Why is your rent increasing? 

Like most organisations, Magenta Living faces increased costs each year and by increasing the rents we charge, enables us to cover these costs and maintain the services we offer to our customers. The cost of delivering repairs and maintenance and developing new homes has increased due to the rising cost of materials, supplies and labour. 


Claiming Housing Benefit or Universal credit?  

If you are claiming housing benefit which is paid directly to us, you do not need to do anything. We will automatically arrange for your payment to be reassessed by the local authority.  

If you are claiming Universal Credit and claim housing costs to pay your rent, you must let the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) know about the change in your rent by logging into your Universal Credit Journal here.  

If you don’t let the DWP know about the rise in your rent, your Universal Credit won’t be increased to cover your new rent cost which may cause rent arrears. 

If you need help with your journal, please speak to your Income Officer by contacting them on 0808 100 9596.  

 If there has been a change in your circumstances and you need to claim Universal Credit, you can do this by visiting Please inform us that you intend to make a Universal Credit claim.   


How are rent increases decided? 

Magenta Living’s rent increase is set using a national formula of Consumer Price Index in September 2022, plus an additional 1% for all housing associations. We are regulated by the central government which means our rent is set in line with their Rent Standard.  

The government decided to cap the rent increase to a maximum of 7% which Magenta Living have applied. 

The additional income will ensure we continue to-  

  • Re-invest in existing homes, providing safe and warm homes for all our customers 

  • Build much-needed new homes 

  • Create over £16.5 million in social value through local job training opportunities and community. 

  • regeneration activities and the provision of community properties 

  • Deliver day-to-day neighbourhood management and supported housing services and financial inclusion 

  • advice and support 

  • Deliver our Vision of Vibrant… homes, lives, neighbourhoods 



Did you know we have an online benefits calculator which can help you to ensure you are receiving the benefits which you are entitled to you - can find it here.  

There are a number of ways in which you can pay your rent and other chargers you can find out more here.

If you have any queries about the rent increase, please contact us on 0808 100 9596 or email rentenquiries@magentaliving and we will do our best to support you. 

If you require Debt Advice please contact the National Debt line on 0808 808 4000 or Citizens Advice.


If you pay your rent by Direct Debit – please read

We have been made aware that customers who pay their rent by Direct Debit will have received two letters from AllPay, who manage our Direct Debit payments. One letter says that changes in rent will take effect in April and another starting in May.

We can confirm and following Magenta Living writing to all customers about the change in rent, this will come into effect from Monday 3 April 2023. We are sorry for any inconvenience/confusion this may have caused.

If you have any further queries, please email –