Magenta Living CEO, Debi Marriott-Lavery to lead Sydney’s largest Community Housing provider | News

Magenta Living CEO, Debi Marriott-Lavery to lead Sydney’s largest Community Housing provider

We are incredibly proud that our CEO Debi Marriott-Lavery has been appointed as the new CEO of St George Community Housing in Sydney, Australia - a role she will take up later this Summer. 

We are sad to be losing Debi, whose two and-a-half years at Magenta have been transformational, and in Debi’s own words, ‘nothing short of amazing,’ against what has been a challenging UK housing sector landscape. 

‘The first year was all about reimagining Magenta Living and the way we work - a time where we reflected on who we are, who we wanted to be and the messages we wanted to put there in the world for our customers and communities to see and experience.  It resulted in the creation of a new set of values and strategic direction, our ‘Road to 2030’ Business Plan something we did together and which we are proud of.  Now in its second year, it’s a year of action, and even though I’ll be leaving, it is Magenta’s plan – it doesn’t leave with me.  My brilliant colleagues at Magenta will continue to drive the plan and deliver positive outcomes for our customers and the community.’  said Debi.

She added, ‘Australia, is a place that’s very close to my heart, and I was offered an unexpected opportunity to move there.  After much consideration, I feel it’s a journey I must pursue.’

Wendy Gooley, Chair of Magenta’s Customer & Communities Committee said  ‘Debi is a breath of fresh air, she has revitalised Magenta. Her energy and passion have been evident from the very beginning. From a customer perspective, Debi has significantly enhanced our services, encouraging deep dives into areas of low satisfaction. Allowing us to work alongside the executive team to find solutions to improve services, ensuring that the customer needs are met with greater efficiency, care, and attention. This transformation is largely due to the cultural shift she has driven within the organisation, where everyone feels included, empowered, and able to contribute and do the right thing. She is leaving Magenta in an excellent place and I’m sure I can speak on behalf of my Committee members that we wish her all the very best in her new venture.’

Paul Stuart, Leader of Wirral Borough Council said, ‘Debi’s leadership has been instrumental in driving positive changes and fostering a strong partnership between Magenta Living and Wirral Council over the past two years.  We sincerely appreciate her dedication and the collaborative spirit she brought to our joint efforts to serve the communities across Wirral. We are confident that Magenta Living will continue to thrive and uphold its Strategic Vision: The Road to 2030, underpinned by the solid foundation she helped to build. Debi’s commitment to empowering people and creating vibrant communities has left a lasting impact, and we are grateful for her contributions.’

Ged Lucas, Chair of Magenta Living’s Board said ‘The Board of Magenta Living are sad to see Debi leave but very much appreciate the leadership she has given to the organisation during her time with us.  Debi, with the support of the Board has set an ambitious and transformative agenda which we will ensure remains our direction for the future. We wish Debi every success in her next adventure and are grateful for her drive and ambition.’

Debi will be around for a few more months yet and details about a successor for the role of Magenta Living CEO, will be shared as soon as they become available. In the meantime, we congratulate Debi on this well-deserved opportunity!