General Living Noise (Including Footsteps)
‘General living’ includes noise such as vacuuming, walking around, doors opening/closing, general conversations, children playing etc. playing on trampolines. We wouldn’t consider sounds relating to ‘general living’ as anti-social behavior.
Loud Noise/Music/Noisy Neighbours
We want everyone to enjoy living in their home and we kindly ask our Magenta Living tenants to be considerate and tolerant towards each other before anything, we would suggest you have a friendly word with your neighbour as they might not be aware they are disturbing you to see if that resolves the issue. Magenta Living considers anti-social behaviour to be if the noise is loud and persistent, meaning if the disturbance lasts for continuous periods of time. Not just a one-off incident. If you still feel you are being disturbed, we suggest you download the ReMote Reporting app this reports disturbance direct to us and can be viewed on our website. Find out more about our app here
Dogs Barking
First, we suggest you have a friendly word with your neighbour as they may not be aware their pet is causing a disturbance. If the behaviour is persistent and you do not feel safe approaching your neighbour, or you have tried and the situation has not improved, we suggest downloading our ReMote Reporting app to report this disturbance direct to us. This will help us gather evidence and decide on the next stage. If you have concerns about the welfare of a pet, you should contact the RSPCA by calling 0300 1234 999