Direct debit and standing orders
Choose the date your payment is made, and contact our Finance Sales Team on (0151) 606 3196 to get set up.
Bank transfer
You can pay by direct funds transfer. Please use the following bank details:
Our sort code is: 60-05-07. Our account number is: 15553213.
Over the telephone
We accept all major credit and debit cards. Please contact us on 0808 100 9596.
By post
You can send a cheque or postal order made payable to Magenta Living to:
Partnership Building, Hamilton Street, Birkenhead CH41 5AA.
Swipe card
Simply hand over your swipe card and your payment at the counter. You can pay with cash or debit card. Please be aware that not all outlets will accept cheques. The counter staff will give you a receipt. Swipe Cards can be requested by calling (0151) 606 3196.
Please quote your account reference number on all payments.