Service Charge Consultation Feedback April 2025

Purpose of the review
The purpose of the review was to ensure our service charges are fair and transparent for all customers, and to better reflect the scope of services provided to our customers and the costs of providing those services and utilities.
Accurately recovering these charges ensures we can continue to reinvest back into our communities and build more homes for people in Wirral.
Consultation process
As part of the review, we contacted customers to explain and provide an opportunity to share their feedback.
We received some very helpful feedback from customers, MPs, local Councillors and stakeholders and we would like to thank everyone for taking the time to share their comments with us.
After thoroughly considering all the feedback, we have made several revisions to our service charge framework to ensure we have a fair and transparent approach to charging for the services customers receive.
Consultation feedback and outcomes
This document provides a summary of the consultation process, your feedback and how we are responding to the suggestions and concerns raised.
We are dedicated to making sure all customers can enjoy their homes and feel safe and secure throughout a tenancy with us. We have a dedicated support in place for anyone who is worried about their finances, which we have provided details on within this summary.
Consultation Opened
Stakeholder Engagement
Customer Engagement
Customer Drop-in Events
Consultation Closed
'New' service charges refer to existing services which have previously not been consistently charged for across our customer base. Some customers challenged the proposed introduction of 11 'new' service charges. Having considered customer feedback the following changes have been made:
Some customers have challenged the introduction of a management fee.
Some customers have questioned specific service charges and whether they are required.
Some customers have challenged whether they benefit from the services delivered and whether they should be charged for these services.
Changes include:
Some customers have expressed concerns about their ability to afford the new charges and are seeking assistance or reconsideration of the charges. We understand the strain money worries can have on everyone. We are committed to ensuring all our customers can access the help and support they need all year round to reduce the impact of the cost of living and feel safe and secure throughout a tenancy with us. From your feedback we have strengthened our financial inclusion support:
Some customers have requested detailed breakdowns and explanations of the charges, including how they were calculated.
Some customers have reported that proposed charges have been applied inconsistently, with some customers being charged for services that others are not.
Some customers have referenced previous (non-contractual) agreements that they believe protect them from any additional charges.
Some customers have questioned the quality and frequency of the services provided and whether these justify the charges.
Some customers have expressed dissatisfaction with the way in which we have communicated the changes, including both the presentation of information and the timeframe over the Christmas period.
Some customers have said that they have never paid these charges before and are questioning why they are being introduced now.
Some customers questioned why some services are not delivered by the Council and therefore are not covered by their Council Tax.
Some customers have requested meetings to discuss the charges in more detail.
Consultation outcome
We have considered the feedback received and the recommendation is to introduce the proposed Service Charge framework with the amendments detailed in this summary document. A notice of variation will now be issued to customers through the rent notification in March.
Rent notification
All customers including those who receive services, will receive their annual rent notification letter each March. The letter will be your notice of variation and details your rent statement for the year 2025/26 and a breakdown of the services you receive and the cost. These charges are set for the year and ensure transparency and useful information to help customers manage their rent and access support where needed.
Your feedback is very important to us
We will use it to learn from, help to shape and develop our services and improve the overall customer experience. If you would like to provide any feedback or make a complaint please visit: Feedback - comment, compliment or complain about the services we provide | Magenta Living
Struggling to pay your rent, we're here to help you
If you need advice, please contact us as soon as possible and we will do our best to support you.
Call 0808 100 9596 or visit: Cost of Living | Magenta Living