Winter Safety Tips


Winter can be tough! However, there are some tips you can use to make it slightly easier, keeping you, your family and your home safe. If you have any issues please get in touch here and we can support you further. Click here


If you are struggling with the cost of living over winter you can find more tips and support here 

Protect Your Pipes!

Protect Your Pipes!

During the winter months, it is easy for pipes to freeze, leaving you without running water and can cause pipes to burst flooding your home.

You can prevent them from freezing by

  • Run your taps regularly; it is less likely your pipes can freeze if the water is running
  •  In minus temperatures, turning your heating on low can prevent your pipes from freezing.
  • Know where your stop tap is. Although it may not prevent it from freezing it is important to know if your pipes burst!


Know the warning signs of a frozen pipe

  • Your central heating makes gurgling sounds when it’s on
  • Your boiler won’t turn on.
  • No water is coming out of your taps, just a trickle.
  • Your sink is clogged, and your toilet is flushing slowly.

Have your pipes frozen?

What to do if your pipes have frozen -

  • Locate the pipe which has frozen. It is likely to be your condensate pipe.
  • Use a hot water bottle over the pipe which will help to thaw the water.
  • Or use a hot towel to wrap around the pipe.
  • Never use boiling water directly on the pipe as it can cause it to burst.
  • Never use a flame to thaw the pipe!

If multiple pipes are frozen or you are unsure, please contact us.

Power Cut

 If you experience a power cut please consider the following-

  • Are you on a prepayment meter? Ensure there is enough credit on the card
  • Are the street lights on outside?
  • Have any of your neighbours got power?
  • Do any electrical appliances have power to them?


If you can answer no to any other of the above questions you are likely to be experiencing a power cut in your area.

If you experience a meter leak or a power cut, do the following straight away: 

  • Call the local electricity network operator free on 105 from your mobile and you will be automatically directed to the network distributor’s emergency number for your area.
  • Call us here 0808 100 9596 to report.

If there isn’t a power cut, you should do the following…

  • Check your fuse board to ensure that the electricity hasn’t tripped.
  • If you can’t identify the problem, please call us on 0808 100 9596.



  • Check if your property is at risk of flooding here.
  • Sign up for flood warnings. You can do this on the Environment Agency website to receive alerts by email, text or phone.
  • Make a personal flood plan the has a template. 
  • If you are in a flood risk area and have been issued with any flood defence equipment, ensure you know where this is stored, and when and how to use it. It is a good idea to test setting up the equipment before you need it.
  • Think about home contents insurance to cover your personal possessions in the event of a flood. You can also get advice on this from the National Flood Forum.
  • If there- is a flood warning - Turn Off the gas, water and electricity to prevent any further problems
  • Move things upstairs or to a safe place
  • Move family, pets and car to safety.
  • If you are in immediate danger, call 999
  • Follow any advice from emergency services
  • Keep you and your family safe.