Electrical Safety

As a responsible landlord, we want to ensure your safety and well-being is our top priority. We have a legal responsibility to keep you safe in your home and as part of this, every five years we conduct electrical inspections and tests in your home to ensure everything is safe. This is known as an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR).    

It ’s important that you provide us access to carry out th is inspection to ensure your home is safe and compliant. This is a legal requirement and can be classed as a breach of your tenancy agreement if you don’t allow us access.

Smoke, Heat, and Carbon Monoxide Detectors  

As part of this programme, t he following are installed . They are repaired or replaced if needed and it’s important that you always keep these in good working order and test them on a weekly basis:  

  • Smoke detectors  

  • Carbon monoxide detectors  

  • Heat detectors  

What We Do During Inspections

  • Qualified Engineers: All our electrical engineers are fully qualified and competent  

  • Safety Checks: We ensure that the electrical installations and equipment we provide are safe  

  • Hazard-Free Homes: We make sure your home is free from serious electrical hazards  

  • Compliance: Any new or remedial work is done according to current regulatio n s and safety standards  

  • Certification: You'll receive an electrical safety certificate when you move into your home and again once the test has been completed

Inspection Process

During the inspection, we will: 

  • Visually inspect the electrical system in your home 

  • Check where the electrical supply enters your home 

  • Inspect the electrical consumer unit (please ensure our engineer can access this) 

  • Check the protective bonding (connecting pipework with the electrics) 

  • Inspect fixtures and fittings like sockets and lights 

  • Assess the condition of the wiring throughout your home 

  • Perform immediate repairs for any dangerous issues (Category 1) 

  • Schedule a follow-up appointment for any additional electrical work 

  • Send you an electrical safety certificate once all work is completed 

Note: The power supply in your home will be isolated during testing, which could take most of the day.

Customer Electrical Safety Tips


  • Buy reputable electrical goods that meet safety standards 

  • Follow all safety information provided by manufacturers 

  • Regularly check your appliances for damage 

  • Ensure there are no electric cables before drilling into walls or floors 

  • Replace fuses with the same rated fuse 

  • Use safety covers on sockets if you have young children 

  • Contact us if you have any electrical safety concerns


  • Attempt DIY wiring 

  • Overload sockets or extension leads 

  • Use mains-powered appliances in the bathroom or near water 

  • Store combustible items near electrical meters or consumer units 

What to Do If Your Power Goes Off

  • Check Your Neighbours: If their lights are off too, it's likely a power cut in your area 

  • Check Your Consumer Unit: If safe, use a torch to see if any trip switches have gone off. Reset them if necessary 

  • Unplug Appliances: If the power goes off, turn off appliances like irons, ovens, and electric fires 

  • Fridges and Freezers: Keep them closed; they will keep food cool for several hours 

  • Alternative lighting: Ensure you have an alternative source of lighting eg torches to hand and avoid using candles. Have a fully charged mobile phone with you. 

Appointment Scheduling

We will contact you to arrange an appointment when your home is due for an electrical safety check. If you have any concerns about the electrical installation in your home, please contact us at  0808 100 9596 .

Contact us

If you notice a problem with your electrics, please contact us immediately by calling 0808 100 9596.