Electrical Safety
As a responsible landlord, we want to ensure your safety and well-being is our top priority. We have a legal responsibility to keep you safe in your home and as part of this, every five years we conduct electrical inspections and tests in your home to ensure everything is safe. This is known as an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR).
It ’s important that you provide us access to carry out th is inspection to ensure your home is safe and compliant. This is a legal requirement and can be classed as a breach of your tenancy agreement if you don’t allow us access.
Smoke, Heat, and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
As part of this programme, t he following are installed . They are repaired or replaced if needed and it’s important that you always keep these in good working order and test them on a weekly basis:
Smoke detectors
Carbon monoxide detectors
Heat detectors